Learn about the types of acne to get rid of pimples!

26 November 2023
A woman using a face mask to get rid of acne. En

Imperfections are appearing on your skin and you suspect it might be acne? Don’t immediately reach for drugs, cosmetics and acne treatments. First determine what type of acne you are dealing with – as each type of this ailment requires an individual approach and carefully selected treatment. What are the types of acne? What are their characteristics and how to treat them?

What are the types of acne?

Acne may be associated mainly with pimples that appear on the skin of young people – usually during puberty. In fact, there are many different varieties of acne, and the causes of quite a few of them have nothing to do with the hormonal changes that characterize puberty.

Acne vulgaris

The most common variety of acne, which is also sometimes referred to as juvenile acne. Acne vulgaris can cause open and closed comedones. It most often affects people during puberty. Depending on the nature of the lesions, an additional division is used for:

  • Blackhead acne – its symptoms are just blackheads. They can be only open blackheads, closed blackheads or both types of these lesions. The good news for those dealing with this variety of acne is that blackhead acne can be treated quite easily and effectively.
  • Papulopustular acne – another, quite common, variety of acne vulgaris. Its characteristic symptom is the presence of papules, which are also referred to as pimples or pustules. Inside them there is pus.
  • Nodulocystic acne – is characterized by the presence of large, deep nodules in which pus has accumulated.
  • Acne fulminans – a severe variant of acne vulgaris. In addition to skin symptoms, it is also characterized by general complaints (increased temperature, weakness, muscle pain). This type of acne vulgaris most often affects men.

Treatment of acne vulgaris requires discipline and properly selected care. If you suspect that the skin lesions you have are actually juvenile acne, visit a dermatologist!

Acne suppurativa

It is not as common as juvenile acne. It is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of blackheads and purulent lesions, which are painful, deep and very often leave behind traces – usually in the form of atrophic scars and hyperpigmentation.

Acne suppurative is a chronic condition. It requires individually tailored dermatological treatment. It is often treated with aesthetic medicine treatments – they are also recommended as a method to remove scars and discoloration that may remain on the skin after healing this variety of acne.

Focused acne

It usually affects men. Symptoms of clustered acne are purulent, large lesions that can merge together.

Treatment of focused acne is worth starting with a dermatological consultation. Medications applied to the skin are often used. It is also possible to use dermatological and aesthetic medicine treatments to speed up the healing of the lesions and erase any traces of them.

Acne scarring

A characteristic variety of acne, which is distinguished by the formation of scarring. These lesions appear in areas where pimples, blackheads and papules were previously present. Scar acne is most often diagnosed in people who have also been observed to have a tendency to form scars under cuts.

Treatment of scarring acne must focus on eliminating skin lesions (for example, through more carefully selected skin care) to reduce the risk of further scarring. Existing scars can be reduced (with laser therapy, for example), as long as there are no contraindications.

Acne rosacea

It is a chronic condition that most often affects women. A characteristic feature of rosacea is the presence of erythema (red spots on the skin), in the area of which pimples and papules also appear. Vascular spider veins may also be an accompanying symptom of this variety of acne.

Treatment of rosacea is in the nature of long-term treatment to alleviate the course and symptoms of the condition.

Other types of adult acne

Adults are very often diagnosed not only with different varieties of acne vulgaris, acne suppurativa, scarring or rosacea, but also:

  • Induced acne – very often has an allergic basis or is associated with the effects of an irritant. Induced acne can also appear on the skin as a side effect of medications taken and in many other circumstances. Its presence is not determined by the skin’s susceptibility to acne lesions and most often resolves spontaneously when the cause is eliminated.
  • Hormonal acne – hormonal disorders, pregnancy or menopause are factors that promote acne lesions.
  • Occupational acne – a specific type of acne that appears on the skin of people who work in certain conditions (for example, having contact with dust). Pollution, dust, dirt and various types of substances used in the workplace can cause acne lesions.

As you can see, there are many different varieties of acne, and each variety may require a completely different treatment. Instead of buying cosmetics and acne ointments that may not be effective for your variety of acne, make an appointment for a dermatological consultation. The doctor will look at your skin, determine the type of acne you are dealing with and suggest the most beneficial treatment.

Whether you are struggling with acne vulgaris, rosacea or clustered acne, remember not to squeeze the skin lesions and tear them! This is because such actions lead to scarring and discoloration. Traces of this type can be effectively eliminated with laser therapy, but it is definitely better to reduce the risk of their appearance.

Karol Popko

Karol Popko is an experienced author whose pen has been shining in the lifestyle world for many years. With his copywriting practice and insight into trends, he not only shares practical tips, but also opens up a deeper understanding of these topics to his readers. According to Karol, beauty can be found everywhere, and life is worth celebrating with passion and style.


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