Where do acrimonies come from? How to cure cracked corners of the mouth?

Cracked corners of the mouth is a painful condition that is not only an aesthetic problem, but can also be a symptom of a lack of vitamins or more serious conditions. How and why do acrimonies form in the corners of the mouth? How is their treatment carried out and what can be done to restore the lips to softness, smoothness and proper hydration levels?
What are acrimonies?
Cracked corners of the mouth, which are sometimes referred to as acrimony, are the result of the onset of inflammation. The skin on and around the lips is thin, delicate and lacks a natural lipid layer. The corners of the mouth are additionally exposed to attack by bacteria and fungi – they are often soggy, and it happens that food and drink residues remain invisible. Under the influence of inflammation, painful erosions, blisters, thickening and cracks form – this is what acrimony is.
Causes of the formation of acrimonias:
- Mechanical damage to the corner of the mouth – for example, as a result of opening the mouth too wide when eating or under the influence of a cut. Damaged skin at the corners of the mouth can easily succumb to fungal or bacterial infection, which is precisely what promotes the formation of clots.
- Improper oral hygiene and mouth hygiene – for example, brushing teeth too infrequently or inaccurately, neglecting to remove lip makeup, and frequently touching lips with dirty hands are just a few of the many factors that can contribute to the formation of clots.
- Vitamin deficiencies – especially of the B group and vitamin C.
- Chronic fatigue and stress, as well as general weakness of the body – then it is easier to get a bacterial or fungal infection.
- Comorbidities – for example, diabetes, allergies and many others.
A single occurrence of acrimony is not yet cause for concern. However, if you suffer from it more frequently or chronically, consult your doctor. When it comes to recurring and chronic acrimonious lesions, the causes may be more serious – they may be the result of comorbidities or a side effect of medications. Acrias can occur in people of any age range. A child’s acrimony may result from a weaker immune system, but also from the fact that younger children are more likely to put their fingers and even toys in their mouths, which may have bacteria and fungal spores on them.
Acrimonias – treatment
By knowing what your acrimonias are made of, you can implement proper care and prevention to reduce the risk of recurrence of the condition. And how do you quickly cure fresh acrias?
- Over-the-counter medications – in pharmacies you will find a wide range of ointments, creams and other preparations for acrimonias. Over-the-counter specifics mainly have a moisturizing effect. They provide vitamins, and may also contain substances that help fight bacteria and fungi. Their effectiveness is not as high as that of prescription drugs. However, it’s worth trying an over-the-counter ointment for acrimony first, and if it doesn’t help, only then reach for stronger specifics.
- Homemade methods – treatment of clots by homemade means mainly involves moisturizing the skin at the corners of the mouth, but also providing it with vitamins. You can lubricate the corners of the mouth with pumpkin seed oil or coconut oil. Aloe vera, honey or cucumber slices also work well on them.
- Antibiotics – if home remedies and over-the-counter medications have proven ineffective, it may be necessary to treat your clots with antibiotics and other prescription drugs. Make an appointment with your internist or family doctor for additional tests and a prescription for stronger specifics.
In the treatment of acrimonias, it is very important to moisturize the skin, regenerate it and provide it with vitamins. During the treatment of acrimonas, care should be taken to avoid mechanical damage to the skin at the corners of the mouth – for example, from opening the mouth too wide. The treatment of acrimonas usually takes several to several days. In some people, even after the cure of acrimony, the skin of the lips remains dry, sensitive and chapped. It’s worth taking care of its condition to avoid the corners of the mouth cracking again. You can use generally available moisturizing ointments, lipsticks and creams, and consider doing professional lip moisturizing treatments.
Treatments for dry lips:
- Hyaluronic acid mesotherapy – one of the most popular treatments for dry lips and their corners. This procedure involves the injection of an individually selected substance. In the case of dry lips, agents with a high content of hyaluronic acid and vitamins are most often used. Mesotherapy of the lips is aimed at moisturizing them, as well as regenerating the skin.
- Platelet-rich plasma – yet another method of restoring softness and smoothness to the skin of the lips. Platelet-rich plasma is extracted directly from the patient’s blood and then injected under the skin. Injection of this substance stimulates the skin’s natural regeneration processes.
Prevention of acrimony
If from time to time acrimonies form in the corners of your mouth, take care of proper prevention. As part of it, get blood tests to make sure you don’t have significant vitamin deficiencies. What else is worth doing to minimize the risk of forming acrimonias?
- For diagnosed vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies, consult your doctor and consider supplementation. Also ensure a healthy diet.
- Avoid frequent licking of the lips – moisture and heat create ideal conditions for the growth of fungi and bacteria.
- Use lip moisturizers – especially during the autumn and winter seasons. You can prophylactically lubricate the corners of your mouth with vitamin A ointment.
- Avoid mechanical damage to the skin at the corners of your mouth – when you eat, reach for smaller bites. Be careful when eating fresh bread with a crusty crust, which can cut the corners of your mouth.
Acrimony is a painful and bothersome ailment that may or may not be a symptom of a lack of vitamins or comorbidities and infections. If you still have a frequent problem with cracked corners of the mouth, despite the prevention, consult your doctor – it is worth performing additional tests to find out the cause of the problem and implement appropriate treatment.
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